We tried making butter Coffee by ourselves!
I was influenced by Mr Dave Asprey’s ‘The Bulletproof Diet’ and I tried making ‘The Bulletproof Coffee’ by myself. It was delicious!

It needs many utensils and ingredients
So I decided to only drink ‘Butter Coffee’ which the author strongly recommends. Ienomi-style editor Y tried making it by herself(himself).

These are what you need to make butter coffee.
You need a French press coffee pot with metallic filter, grass-fed butter, MCT oil and a blender to stir.
You need many utensils and ingredients to make it for the first time.
Read more Butter Coffee on the Official site
※English translation
At first, make coffee by French press coffee pot

You can extract coffee oil by using a French press coffee pot.
I got one from my friend a few years ago luckily.
I think the coffee tastes richer and delicious by using this pot.
You pour boiling hot water into the French press coffee pot and warm it up, and then throw away the water. (I use this water again to warm the cup.)

It’s very important to get the beans ground for French press coffee pot. I once got it wrong and got the beans ground for paper filter.When I used this with the French press coffee pot it became very thick like balicopi.
I didn’t want to waste this coffee, so I put up with drinking it. But this isn’t the actual taste, so be careful when you buy coffee beans.

You need practice stirring with a hand blender

It means butter made from grass-fed milk cows.
You can’t buy it in an ordinary supermarket. You can buy it in department stores, luxury supermarkets and Amazon etc.
I found one in ‘Seijo-Ishi supermarket. It’s made in France. It costed 2500yen/250g (tax not included). I couldn’t believe this price at first!

I used 1 tablespoon. 1 tablespoon is about12g and that costs 93 yen a cup. It’s expensive as the butter.

If the blender is powerful, a shallow tea cup isn’t suitable. In fact, I tried it with one of a shallow tea cup and the liquid splashed allover.
So, you should get a deep cup like this photo. Switch on the blender and soon take it out of the coffee and switch it on in the coffee and soon take it out again. You just do this process for few times. The blender’s head and its wings must be kept in the liquid completely.
Read more Butter Coffee on the Official site
※English translation
How does the home-made butter coffee taste?

How is its taste? I try it. Oh! It’s so smooth and delicious!
The butter has made the coffee’s own sour and bitter taste smoother.
Although butter is made from milk this coffee isn’t milky at all. It’s a new taste and completely different from café latte.
It has been mixed well and it’s not oily. It has no sugar in it, but it tastes a bit sweet.
I recommend this drink to people who don’t like milk, who want to drink something different from lattes, who don’t like bitter coffee and don’t want to use sugar.
I think this is a delicious drink for everyone, even who aren’t on a diet.
The original purpose of this coffee is for diet and health. I can’t tell the effects so soon.
However, I think I’ve got more energy and concentration from this drink.
At least, I feel my body has got warmer. Although I made this coffee and tried a drink in morning, I didn’t feel hungry in the afternoon without lunch. (However, I had lunch at 3PM.)
This butter coffee is a bit troublesome to make and it’s not cheap, but I really recommend it. I’d like to continue drinking it and check to see if it’s really effective for diet. It’s not expensive if you think you are going to a café. Please try it once.

It’s completely different from well stirred butter coffee.
Some say that it’s less effective if it’s not stirred well. It’s a bit troublesome, but I recommend you stir well.
(Ienomi-style editor Y)
※Article information as of Nov 29, 2017.
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