Interview of a man who achieved going on butter coffee diet
Is it really possible to achieve going on diet by having butter coffee daily like Mr Dave Asprey, the author of ‘The Bulletproof Diet’?
We had an interview with Mr. Takayuki Shimizukawa who is a software engineer and lives in Tokyo. He tried going on Butter Coffee Diet on 2017 spring.

Lose 7 kg and 5.1% of body fat in 3 months
Shimizukawa: I went on Butter Coffee Diet from April 9th, 2017 to July 9th, 2017. At first, I weighed 75.2kg and my body fat was 23.8%. After 3 months, as a result, I lost 7 kg and weighed 68.2 kg and I lost 5.1% of body fat and my body fat was 18.7%.
(You can check the details on Mr. Shimizukawa’s blog)
-You can see the diet’s effect clearly in the results. What did you actually try?
Shimizukawa: I tried everything written in ‘The Bulletproof Diet’. I had only butter coffee for breakfast. I tried not to have much carbohydrate for lunch and dinner. And did a little exercise.
-Why did you start Butter Coffee?
Shimizukawa: I weighed a little heavier than standard weight. So, I wanted to lose a little for a long time and tried many kinds of diets. But I couldn’t continue them. I was trying the ‘recording diet’ this spring. I bought a scale that can memorize my everyday weight and just kept records of my weight and body fat.
This diet’s point is being aware of your own weight by recording it. However, this wasn’t so effective for me.
Read more Butter Coffee on the Official site
※English translation
He didn’t really believe its effects at first, but he could feel the effect after 3 weeks

Shimizukawa: No, I didn’t know the book ‘The Bulletproof Diet’. I just saw my friend’s post about butter coffee on Facebook. In that post I knew this book has become a bestseller. However, I didn’t buy it soon because I wasn’t sure if it’s reliable. So, at first, I read some articles of this book’s publisher company and blogs of people who have already tried ‘The Bulletproof Diet’.
I decided to buy it because the book said the same thing as the other diet methods which I have already experienced.
-Did you think this book is reliable?
Shimizukawa: I could only believe half of it. This author has many allergies. And Japanese and Western people have different body constitution. The author says you should try not to have soybeans. However, it’s not completely same with Japanese. Anyway, except these points, I could understand many points.
So, I started this diet doubtfully.
–What did you do actually?
Shimizukawa: Basically, I tried to do everything what it said on the book. I had a cup of Butter coffee for breakfast. I put in quite a lot of Grass-Fed butter and 1 tablespoon of MCT oil in coffee, which is made by the coffee pot with metallic filter. This coffee is quite rich.
For lunch, I had convenience store’s salad, chicken and vegetables with 1 tablespoon of MCT oil. For dinner, I tried not to have much carbohydrate and eat a lot of meat or fish and vegetables. And I basically stopped having alcohol drinks at night. I think this was most effective. When I had to drink alcohol with my colleagues, bosses, etc. I just had a glass of beer and only had tea after that.
-I think Grass-Fed butter and MCT oil aren’t cheap. Did you care about the cost?
Shimizukawa: If I go out and have alcohol drinks, it costs around 4000 to 5000 yen each time. So, if I don’t do this, the costs of butter coffee aren’t so expensive.
-Did you also do exercise?
Shimizukawa: I tried an exercise called ‘High-Intensity Interval Training’ which was written in the book. You run with your whole energy for 30 seconds and rest for 90 seconds. You continue doing this for 15 minutes. I did this exercise once in 2 weeks. However, it’s too hard and it was early summer and getting hot these days. So, I stopped this after trying5 times altogether. I only went to sport gym and did training on weekends.
-Did you soon get good results of the diet?
Shimizukawa: After 3 weeks. I lost 4.4kg and lost 2.2% of body fat.
-That’s a big effect!
Read more Butter Coffee on the Official site
※English translation
There’s no desire of having snacks and don’t feel sleepy while working

Shimizukawa: The big difference is that I stopped having snacks. Before I started this diet, I used to have bread for my breakfast and I was soon hungry in the morning. I soon ate sweets which my colleagues bought as souvenirs. After I changed my breakfast and had rice instead of bread, I was not hungry as before. But I couldn’t stop having snacks before lunch. However, when I only had butter coffee for breakfast, I didn’t have to eat anything before lunch. What a miracle! Also, I stopped having ramen which I used to eat often. My wife also started having butter coffee with me. She loves bread, but recently she says, ‘I have no desire of eating bread!’. This is true.
-I see. Butter Coffee itself doesn’t make you slim. If you have Butter Coffee, you don’t have to eat other unnecessary food. May be that is the important point. And in ‘The Bulletproof Diet’, it says ‘You get energetic and get more concentration’. How about these points?
Shimizukawa: I can’t say you get powerful because of butter coffee. However, I can say that I didn’t get sleepy in the daytimes. When I used to have carbohydrate and sweets in the morning, I sometimes felt very sleepy while working. After having butter coffee, I don’t feel sleepy and I can concentrate on my job. I work as a software engineer and go to the office. At night, I have a side job as a writer. I also do an activity in an open source community. I can also concentrate more on these works than before.
However, I don’t mean I can’t sleep well at night. I can sleep well when it’s time to go to bed.
-By the way, how is the taste of butter coffee?
I think it’s delicious. I used to like black coffee, so I don’t need milk or sugar. Butter has no taste of milk and that’s suitable for me. When you mix the coffee well with a blender, it gets rich and delicious.
This diet is very suitable for me because it’s easy to continue

Shimizukawa: It’s my imagination, but I think I have lost my internal fat in the first 3 months. I think I need to do exercise from now because I must lose my body fat. I didn’t want to do exercise from the beginning. I thought this diet is almost over for me because I could get good effects. So, I have loosened my meal regulation a little. I have also started having alcohol, so I have gained my weight a little, my weight is around70kg now. I’m 177cm tall and my ideal weight is 68kg. I’d like to lose 2 more kilograms.
-However, you haven’t regained much and keeping your weight. That’s wonderful. Are you still having butter coffee?
Shimizukawa: Yes, I’d like to continue. I used to go on fasting diet. I only had fruit and vegetable juice for every meal. This was a lot of trouble making juice and I was always hungry. Butter coffee is much easier.
Since I have changed my breakfast to butter coffee, I don’t have to worry or prepare for my breakfast. I think it’s good because I have much more time in the morning. And what’s more, I don’t feel hungry. This diet is very suitable for me.
-I see. You can get not only good results, but also other good effects. That’s why you can keep going on this diet. Thank you for your story.
※Article information as of Dec 19, 2017
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